Monday, April 6, 2009

Infant Care - Interesting Facts about infants!

Here are several interesting facts that I came to know due to my recently acquired fatherhood :)

PS: I'm not sure about sanctity of many of following; please consult your doctor before taking any action due to any information provided here (and please do let me know if anything mentioned here is NOT correct).

- Babies are born without knee-caps. Knee-caps are created by the time they reach 6 months of age.
- Many babies are born with blue eyes, which are converted to shades of brown/black etc. within few minutes.
- A Baby's brain keeps developing till she is two years old.
- Babies start making their own haemoglobin after they are 3 months old; till then every nutrition is solely dependent upon mother's milk.
- It is ok if your infant does not pass motion till 7 days if she is urinating timely (provided breast-feeding is her only source of nutrition).
- Infants have poor hearing & poor eye-sight at the time of birth. These take a few months to develop.
- Infant's head is very soft. If a baby sleeps only on one side of her head then her head might get flattened at that particular side.

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