Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Self care - Tips for maintaining Immune system

- Be active; walk, work, play, exercise.... try to involve some amount of activity in your day to day life

- Get sufficient amount of sleep

- Eat fresh

- If you eat junk food, then limit the frequency (although ideal situation would be to give up junk food entirely, but that doesn't sound much feasible). For e.g., if someday I consume junk food, then I try to ensure that at least for next 1 week I stay away from junk food.

- Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day

- Avoid touching items available for public usage. For e.g., instead of using a towel in restaurant's washroom, carry your own hanky.

- Avoid taking anti-biotics every now and then; instead switch to natural products

- Take breaks during a stressful day

- Keep a positive attitude

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