Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Electricity saving tips - At Home - Washing Machine

- Try to use washing machine only when it is fully loaded

- If clothes are soaked for sometime before washing, then the washing machine can perform same task in somewhat lesser time. This can cut down the detergent cost also.

- If feasible, use sunlight to dry clothes instead of using the dryer

- If you're using semi-automatic washing machine and using spin shower, then ensure that the water pressure is optimally adjusted. Having water supply at full force would only waste more water. In most of the semi-automatic models, if water is falling in wash-tub also along with dryer, then it is actually wastage (unless you plan to re-use that water for next set of clothes)

- Avoid opening lid of the dryer when in use. Actually, when we open the lid & dryer's timer is still on; the electricity is being wasted. The motor is consuming electricity, but the brakes applied by the lid are just holding the dryer from spinning. It would be much better to turn off the timer (or the entire machine)

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