Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Happy Holi - Dry Holi

Holi is just around the corner & Rang Panchami at the next, so here are some things to keep in mind from environment point of view:

- Remeber the need of the hour (& every other hour in the queue): Save water.

- If you can, then go for Dry Holi. Indore has come up with an even better version: Tilak Holi.

- If you must use water, then try to keep the water wastage at a minimum.

- While kids are playing holi, be there to keep a vigil. That is not just important from safety point of view, it will put a little cap on amount of water being waste as well.

- If feasible, then arrange a gathering at some common place for playing Holi. This would significantly reduce the amount of water consumed.

- Go for herbal colours. Amount of water used to get rid of herbal colours is quite less than chemical colours.

- In case you are too reluctant to go out and purchase herbal colours, you can prepare some at home also.

- Apply lots of oil / moisturiser before going out to play colours.

- Wear full sleeve clothes, put on a cap or bandana also.

- If travelling then keep car windows closed.

- Avoid using two wheelers.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Electricity saving Tips - At Office

- Change your laptop's display setting for an optimum brightness; with full brightness the electricity consumption increases, hence the battery drains out quickly & need to recharge it increases. Same thoughts apply to mobile phones as well as your computer's monitor

- Switch off your monitor while leaving workplace

- Similarly, if you're listening to songs on your system, ensure to close the application (or put the currently playing song on pause) if you've to move away from the system for a while. The idea is minimum amount of hardware should be in use (preferably zero), when the user is not around

- If possible, preferably shut down your PC when leaving office

- Instead of keeping your laptop connected to main power supply continuously, do it only when required

- Same concept applies to charging your mobile phones also

- Whenever not using, shut down the PC or laptop; instead of putting it in sleep mode

- If you've to come to office on a holiday, then avoid bringing up the central air conditioning system (if feasible)

- Similarly, on a holiday, switch on the lights of only your area. I've seen people switching the lights on of entire hall, even during daytime

- Instead of using automatic hand dryer or paper towel in washrooms, go traditional - bring and use your own handkerchief

- Avoid lift, use stairs. Good for health also & might reduce medical bills as well :)